To everyone who has ever or will yet experience locking up their machine when trying to restart CDD after shelling out of an already active session, I have the solution. After doing this very thing again on Monday, I set about to smarten up CDD.BAT. Here is my revised version of CDD.BAT. (Note: Don't forget to change the C:\CLARION3 path if yours is different!) Although LOCKFILE.SAV can have any text you want, here is what I used: THIS IS THE LOCKFILE TO PREVENT MACHINE LOCKUP WHEN CDD ATTEMPTS TO LOAD WHILE ONE COPY IS ALREADY LOADED IN MEMORY. I have tested this method in several different configs. with my machine (a clone 486DX-33 with 4MB using DOS 6.2 and EMM386.EXE, etc.) and it has worked correctly each time. Hope this will prove of benefit to you. Rick Smith 73223,704 Computer Visions & Technologies, Inc. (803) 754-4433